property management
"I'd buy a couple hundred thousand single family homes"

Buffett tells CNBC's Becky Quick he'd buy up "a couple hundred thousand" single family homes if it were practical to do so. You can watch the interview here on Youtube.
JK and Companies bridges the gap in Buffet's "if it were practical to do so."
We not only manage Multi-Family properties but also can affordably locate and sell a portfolio of appreciating commodities in the form of Single Family Homes to both Publicly and privately held investors and corporations.
Experts in the field have called this type of investment a packaged commodity that is resourced by a fixed rate that over time will be more profitable to an investor through the vein of inflation induced debt destruction. While the public is bullish on gold we believe that Single Family Homes are the most profitable commodity to date. You can not leverage gold to purchase new properties, you cannot obtain financing to initially buy gold and most importantly you cannot cash flow gold to a tenant.
Allow us the opportunity to help you achieve a retirement you deserve.
JK and Companies bridges the gap in Buffet's "if it were practical to do so."
We not only manage Multi-Family properties but also can affordably locate and sell a portfolio of appreciating commodities in the form of Single Family Homes to both Publicly and privately held investors and corporations.
Experts in the field have called this type of investment a packaged commodity that is resourced by a fixed rate that over time will be more profitable to an investor through the vein of inflation induced debt destruction. While the public is bullish on gold we believe that Single Family Homes are the most profitable commodity to date. You can not leverage gold to purchase new properties, you cannot obtain financing to initially buy gold and most importantly you cannot cash flow gold to a tenant.
Allow us the opportunity to help you achieve a retirement you deserve.